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Designing a socio-political movement workshop | MAK | Vienna
The Social Movement Design Book is a book that even if it is was completed in 2015, has been published only in 2018. Partly thanks to the Catalan political instability, which has helped to convince Pietro Corraini, the editor. Even if it is a children's book, it is misused occasionally for the construction of serious programs. This is why I have finally decided to rethink it as an instrument for adults to create social movements through the design project. In the MAK masterclass we are going to try it. | Official text: "For centuries, architecture has planned cities and built buildings that represented and proposed new ways of life, symbolic elements that have influenced a society in continuous evolution. In our present days, architecture as a generator of change has been replaced by social movements. Activism has emerged as a socio-political power shaping and changing cities as well as the way we live, work, and socialize in them. | Unlike social movements, buildings are objects that can easily be visualized and illustrated. Therefore, a perception of architecture can be created through images in order to build an understanding of its meaning. A social movement does not necessarily have a physical body and has to be read and understood through different media, it has a complexity and needs an attitude. Until now, most movements have been formed spontaneously and they gain visibility through their aura of authenticity. | Can movements be designed? The complexity of the different media and the contextualization of the actions, reactions, and vales of social movements can definitely be organized and planned through a design project.”

Design as Tool for Empowerment | In the context of the CityFactory 2018. A cooperation between the MAK and the Vienna Business Agency with the IDRV – Institute of Design Research Vienna. | Under the title “Design as Tool for Empowerment” the MAK, the Vienna Business Agency, and the CityFactory extend an invitation to a workshop with a presentation by the Catalan designer Martí Guixé.